To request a specific By-law to be made available here, for clarification or additional information please contact the Town of Beausejour Municipal Office at 204-268-7550.
Please see the link below to Animal Control By-law 1732/16
- 2024 Tax Levy By-law
- Animal Control By-Law 1732/16
- Building By-law 1702/14
- Campaign Expenses for Election 1642/10
- Cemetery By-law 1766/19
- Dedication Fee By-law 1819-25
- Derelict Vehicles - Parking and Storage By-law 1460/00
- Indemnity By-law 1791-23
- Irregularly Shaped Pieces of Land By-law 1240/92
- Fees and Charges By-law 1806-24
- Fire Services By-law 1673/12
- Fireworks By-law 1662/11
- Loitering and Public Nuisance 1524/03
- Lot Grade By-law 1796-23
- Noise By-Law 1574/05
- Organizational By-law 1792-23
- Parking By-law 1814-24
- Procedural By-law 1795-23
- Reduced-Speed School Zone (BEYS) By-law 1751/18
- Reduced Speed School Zone (EESS) By-law 1706/14
- Regulate Grading of Property and Establish Lot Grade Elevations By-law 1760-19
- Solid Waste and Recycling By-law 1790-23
- Set Fees Payable for Services Rendered By-law 1764/19
- Snowmobile and ATV By-Law 1667/11
- Solid Waste Management (Operation Rules) By-law 1675/12
- Street By-Law 1215/91
- Traffic By-law 1741/17
- Unsightly Property By-law 1517/03
- Use of Municipal Resources in an Election By-law 1784-22
- Water and Wastewater Rate By-law 1798-23