2012 National Edition - Town of Beausejour, MB - Winner
5 Blooms
Special Mention: Wally Chryplywy Nature Park
The Town of Beausejour, the winner of the 1,201 – 3,000 population category of the 2012 National Edition of Communities in Bloom, received a 5 Bloom rating and a special mention for Wally Chryplywy Nature Park during theNational Awards Ceremonies at the Edmonton Capital Region on October 12th and 13th.
Following their evaluation of the community, volunteer judges Lucy Chang and Roger Younker wrote: "2012 is the Centenary of the rural Manitoba, Town of Beausejour. Its evocative brand, "Our Home, Your Home, Come Home in 2012”, is designed to attract old and new to the town not just for a day, but to stay and experience the new facets of Beausejour. Residents are proud that Beausejour is truly a great place to start a business, raise a family, retire, vacation, and just enjoy the best that every season has to offer.The Town’s pride and joy is the Wally Chryplywy Nature Park that provides a woodland setting conducive to the pursuit of recreation and physical fitness. The 25 hectare park has cross country ski trails, hiking trails and paved trails for all ages and all modes of transportation, including baby carriages, wheel chairs and motorized scooters. Happy Birthday, Beausejour.”
Communities in Bloom is a national organization dedicated to the promotion of green spaces in community settings.
Within the actual context of climate changes and environmental concerns, communities involved in the program can be proud of their efforts, which provide real and meaningful environmental solutions and benefit all of society.
For further information, please contact:
Andy Taylor – Tel: 204-268-4832 / E-mail: andy.taylor@salcp.ca
Please visit www.communitiesinbloom.ca for a complete list of the results along with an online copy of our latest magazine.
Beausejour Beautification
The Beausejour Beautification Committee is looking for community members from the Town of Beausejour and the RM of Brokenhead to attend our meetings this year and inspire us with some fresh ideas for projects to help beautify the Town of Beausejour and area. We will be discussing additions/improvements to the following:
- Train-Whistle Park
- Chryplywy Park
- The Waste Management/Compost Site
- The Park Avenue Reconstruction Project
- The Elevator
- Flower plantings in public spaces
- Landscaping at the RM of Brokenhead office
- Replacement of the side street hanging baskets (with new, more environmentally-friendly baskets)
- Establishing a hiking/biking trail through Beausejour.
Meetings are generally held at 7:00 PM on the first Monday of every month from September-June at the Beausejour Town Office. Note that the next meeting is scheduled for July 26 at Agassiz Adult Educaton Center, 536 Park Avenue.
Pdfs you can view or right click to save:
Chryplywy Park Native Tree Walkway
Beausejour - An Age Friendly Community
Celebrating all Ages!
Our Vision
Beausejour is an Age-Friendly community that provides a great place for older adults and people of all ages to live, work and play.
To read more please click on the following link: Age Friendly Pamphlet