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Water Treatment Plant Project

Water Treatment Plant Bulk Water Dispenser - Purchasing and Dispensing Instructions

Indus Bulk Water Dispenser Operating Manual

Water Treatment Plant Update: October 22nd, 2024

Please be advised that the changeover to the new reverse osmosis-based Water Treatment Plant was SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED yesterday!

We thank you again for your patience throughout this process.

Water Treatment Plant Update: October 17th, 2024 

The Town of Beausejour has received approval from the Manitoba Office of Drinking Water to proceed with placing the New Water Treatment Plant in service.  Please be advised that the changeover will take place on: 

Monday, October 21st, 2024 beginning at 8:00 a.m.

As the Town prepares for integration of the new reverse osmosis-based water treatment plant into the distribution system, the change over from the existing water treatment plant may result in observable changes in colour and aesthetics of the drinking water temporarily. There is the possibility that some residents may experience discoloured water, suspended solids, and fluctuations in water pressure. 

If you experience these changes, please be advised that water discolouration or suspended solids do not present any health risks and will dissipate in a short period of time. Minor fluctuations in water pressure may continue for several weeks as plant tuning continues.

For additional information on discolored water and measures to take to minimize inconvenience, please visit the Town’s FAQ page on discoloured water here:  

The Town will be monitoring the water conditions and quality closely and reporting directly to the Drinking Water Officer.

We thank you for your patience and cooperation throughout this process.

Water Treatment Plant Update: October 10th, 2024

Please be advised that the Changeover to the New Water Treatment Plant will NOT be taking place this week or over the Thanksgiving weekend.

Online updates will continue next week through our Website and Facebook Page.

We thank you for your continued patience.

Water Treatment Plant Update: October 9th, 2024

Currently the Town of Beausejour is awaiting final approval from the Office of the Drinking Water, which is the final step in the changeover process. As soon as approval is received, the Town of Beausejour Waterworks Department will begin the changeover operations to the New Water Treatment Plant.

**Please be advised that Notice of Commencement will be provided through our Website and Facebook Page as soon as it becomes available.**

We appreciate your patience during this time.

Water Treatment Plant Update: September 19th, 2024 

Due to unforeseen circumstances with the Operator Training Team, resulting in training delays, the start-up of the New Water Treatment Plant has been pushed back to the week of September 30th, 2024. 

The Town will provide updates as necessary through social media and the Town of Beausejour website.

The Town has begun some changeover procedures so residents can still expect some short periods of discoloured water.

We thank you for your anticipated co-operation during this time. 

Water Treatment Plant Start-Up and Integration

The Town of Beausejour is preparing for integration of the new reverse osmosis-based water treatment plant into the distribution system. The change over from the existing water treatment plant may result in observable changes in colour and aesthetics of the drinking water temporarily. The changeover will take place on September 19th, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.

When switching the distribution system over to the new water treatment plant, some residents may experience discoloured water, suspended solids, and fluctuations in water pressure. Residents who experience these changes are advised that discolouration or suspended solids do not present any health risks and will dissipate in a short period of time. The fluctuations in water pressure may continue for several weeks as plant tuning continues. 

For FAQs and additional information on discolored water and measures to take to minimize inconvenience, please click the following link:

The Town will be monitoring the water conditions and quality closely and reporting directly to the Drinking Water Officer. 

We appreciate your understanding.

Dated at Beausejour, Manitoba this 5th day of September 2024.  

Final Rendering

August 6, 2024:  The Beausejour Water Treatment Plant continues to move this summer as building construction is completed, the well sites are mechanized, well flushing begins, and Delco Automation prepares to commission the water treatment equipment.

Some hurdles with well water turbidity have slowed progress, however the baseline project schedule has not been impacted. Penn-co, Manitoba Water Services Board, and Stantec were able to resolve the water turbidity issues and the project continues into commissioning.

Delco Automation will be mobilizing to site on August 12 to begin the final commissioning and setup of the Reverse Osmosis and Green Sand filters, the final piece to begin making water.

This Fall, the Town of Beausejour will begin final preparations to start-up and integrate the new reverse osmosis-based water treatment plant into the distribution system, which may result in observable changes in colour and aesthetics of the drinking water temporarily.

When switching the distribution system over to the new water treatment plant, some residents may experience discoloured water, suspended solids or fluctuations in water pressure.

Residents who experience these changes are advised that discolouration or turbidity does not present any health risks and will dissipate in a short period of time. The Town will be monitoring the conditions and will complete all testing requirements of the Manitoba Office of Drinking Water.

Photo Update: July 2024

Photo Update: June 2024

Photo Update: May 2024

Photo Update: April 2024

Photo Update: March 2024

Photo Update: February 2024

Photo Update: January 2024

Photo Update: December 2023

Photo Update: November 2023

Photo Update: October 2023

Photo Update: September 2023

Photo Update: August 2023

The Water Treatment Plant is beginning to take shape. In August, the construction of the reservoir walls reached 82%, with two concrete placements remaining for completion. The top slab shoring, forming, and concrete placements are underway with 16% complete.

The structural components of the steel frame structure have begun to arrive on site and are expected to be installed in September. Mechanical components will begin to arrive on site in September, including backup generators for the well sites and the reverse osmosis filtration membranes. By November, Penn-co anticipates that the majority of exterior paneling will be installed, and installation of exterior windows and doors will begin bringing the building to lock-up condition by mid-November.

July 21, 2023 - Penn-Co Construction had another productive month at the Water Treatment Plant construction site. Several more concrete placements were completed on the reservoir walls bringing the walls to 65% complete with expected completion approximately two weeks away. To-date, 320,000 pounds of reinforcing steel has been tied and 1200 cubic meters of concrete has been placed.

Following the completion of the walls, Penn-co will begin the construction of the Top Slab which will act as the floor for the Water Treatment Plant facility, and the underlying structure for the reservoir Green Roof. Top Slab construction is expected to take 42 days.

May 19, 2023 - May has been a very productive month.  Penn-co Construction completed the base slab reinforcing steel and four (4) concrete placements to complete the base slab concrete.  Next, the Contractor will begin form work for the concrete walls of the foundation which will become the water reservoir used to store drinking water.

April 26, 2023 - The Water Treatment Plant excavation has been completed and the concrete mud slab has been placed. Workers are placing reinforcing steel for the base slab, which is expected to be completed by mid-May.  Following the base slab concrete placement, installation of the formwork will begin for the concrete walls of the water reservoir chambers.

March 30, 2023 – Penn-co Construction began excavating the foundation of the new Water Treatment Plant at 1000 Park Avenue. The foundation is approximately 3m (10’) deep and will house the new concrete Water Reservoir Chambers, which store drinking water after treatment. The Reservoir will store approximately 1400 m3 (1,400,000L) of water, which is enough to supply the Town for approximately 24 hours at peak season, but also provides the Fire Department with a large supply of water in the event of a fire without any service interruption to the Town.

Once constructed, the Reservoir will be approximately 1m above the road and will be finished with a grass covered roof (Green Roof). Construction of the Reservoir is expected to be ongoing until August 2023 at which point the above-grade steel structure construction will begin.