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Town of Beausejour Zoning By-law Project

Web Update 1

In November 2024, the Town of Beausejour hired CVLNS, a community planning consultant, to review and update the Town’s Zoning By-law. The process will be done in three phases:


Where does the Zoning By-law apply?

The Zoning By-law covers all the land within the Town of Beausejour’s boundaries:


What is a Zoning By-law?

A Zoning By-law is a regulatory document, required by the Province, that creates rules and standards for development.

The Zoning By-law divides the land up within the Town into different Zoning Districts (or Zones) based on what it is allowed to be used for. For example, the Town’s current Zoning By-law has five different residential zones for different densities and building types, two commercial zones, an industrial zone, a parks zone, and an institutional zone. 

The Zoning By-law dictates what land uses are allowed in each Zoning District. For example, an elementary school would be allowed in the institutional zone, but not in the industrial zone. Next, the Zoning By-law sets out standards for development, like density restrictions, height restrictions, and parking requirements. 

Why Update the Zoning By-law?

Since the Town’s Zoning By-law was adopted in 2018, a new Development Plan for the region (the Brokenhead River Planning District) was adopted. According to Provincial rules, the Zoning By-law must comply with the Development Plan. As such, a big part of this project will be to align the Zoning By-law with the new Plan. 

This is also a chance to keep up with new development trends, fix issues within the document, and address emerging concerns within the Town. 

How will the new Zoning By-law affect me?

For any existing building that was built legally, there will be no impacts. The Town will reach out to you if your property will be rezoned as part of this project, but we are not expecting many developed properties to be rezoned. 

Any new construction, including additions, garages, and sheds, will have to conform to the new rules once they are in effect. 

How will the new Zoning By-law affect my community?

The new Zoning By-law will have the biggest impact on new development, which will have to follow the new rules around:

  • Where new residential, commercial, and industrial development can happen
  • How close new buildings can be to the property line
  • How tall new buildings can be
  • The density of new residential buildings
  • How much parking is required for a new development

How can I learn more and get involved?

To see the current Zoning By-law and map, go to

We are planning an open house in Spring 2025 to share a progress update. Stay tuned for details and invitations.

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