Trails Project
The Public Works Department is constructing the pathways as part of Phase 1 Works of the Active Transportation Plan between First Street South and Third Street South.
Keep away from the machinery at all times. Please ensure children and pets stay away from the machinery and work site. Uneven surfaces will be dealt with during final restoration later this fall.
Exercise caution when using the unfinished pathway system. Final restorations will be done once the asphalting program is completed for this year.
Have you seen the exciting work that has recently been completed along the Rail Trail?
Using funds from a grant that was received from the Brokenhead River Community Foundation, the Active Transportation Committee was able to hire Russet Landscaping to complete this project. The plants, which were purchased from Prairie Originals, include of variety of prairie plants which are hardy and low maintenance for our location. The design of the parks was based on the Active Transportation Master Plan which was developed by Aecom Canada Ltd. Many thanks to the BRCF, Don Loewen of Russet Landscaping and Kelly Leask at Prairie Originals. Please enjoy these parks from a distance as the plants get established!